find your martial way
NC Budo families enjoy access to an extensive schedule of classes on everything from mindfulness to competitive and classical karate training. Access over 20 engaging classes each week at our Belmont location.
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Effective Nov 6th, 2023
*Belmont Schedule Key: F=Family; P=Preschool (3-5 yo); J=Juniors (6-12 yo); A=Adults
Effective Nov 6th, 2023
Family Mixed Age
A 45 minute class where family members of a variety of ages can work together with the convenience of a shared class time; building shared values through working out together, with the extra benefit of cementing family bonds.
Competition Team Kata
A competitive team class that focuses on the performance, nuances, and stylization of kata forms. This 45 minute class is for all level athletes planning to compete with our competition team.
Competition Team Sparring
A competitive team class that focuses on conditioning, drills, and sport kumite utilizing NKF and AAU rules. This 45 minute class is for all level athletes planning to compete with our competition team.
Competition Team Kobudo
A 30 minute competitive team class for non first year athletes. This class stylizes the performance of kobudo/ weapon forms for competition.
3-5 Year Old Class
The 3-5 year old Program builds essential life skills such as self-control, discipline, cooperation and confidence. This 30 minute class also develops coordination, and gives a positive outlet for excessive energy while teaching fundamental martial art skills.
School Days
Our School Day classes are for our full day and after school students. These classes touch on our full Okinawan Kempo Karate curriculum and allow children to develop valuable leadership skills and discipline while learning a life protection art.
Kata Forms General
This 30 minute class focuses on developing a mind-body connection through performing kata forms that program the body to have muscle memory for self defense applications.
Kata Forms Int/Adv
A 45 minute intermediate/advanced class that builds upon the Kata Form. General class for green belt black stripes and up.
Kata Applications General
In this 30 minute class kata is broken down and studied for its offensive and defensive elements.
Kata Applications Int/Adv
In this 30 minute class intermediate and advanced katas are broken down and studied for their offensive and defensive elements.
In our technique class we help develop and clean up karate technique. This class works on correct frame, stance, positioning, and intensity.
Long Weapons
Do you enjoy the jo, bo, or eku? This 30 minute class teaches you to manipulate the weapon and perform traditional Okinawan Kempo weapon forms.
Short Weapons
Do you enjoy the nunchucku, tonfa, sai, or Kama? This 30 minute class teaches you to manipulate these short weapons and perform traditional short weapon forms.
Weapons Application
How do our weapons work in a combative environment? This 30 minute class teaches the application of commonly trained traditional weapons against weapons.
Practical Self Defense
Have you ever desired to feel empowered and capable of defending yourself again common attacks? This class is ideal for young adults through adults of all skill levels and develops muscle memory that translates into practical self defense strategies.
Sparring Combination and Application
Do you want to put all that you are learning into action? This class focuses on the combative side of martial arts, where we safely practice our techniques against each people of a variety of body sizes, training styles, and abilities.
Mindful Child
Our mindful child program helps children develop a mental toolkit through a combination of yoga, meditation, and imagery. This 30 minute class is filling a gap in skills that enhance emotional intelligence.